Weekly Sports Challenge - Football (w/c 04.05.2020)
Year 1 Home Learning - Week 3

Year 2 Home Learning Week 3

Hello parents and children of Year 2!


We both hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during these difficult times. Here is the home learning grid for Week 3 of this term that you and your child can have a go at. Take your time with these, remember it doesn't all need to be done all at once! Keep up with reading at home, either with your own books at home or by using your bugclub account. There will also be activities on purple mash, alongside those on the grid. 


Keep well and stay safe,


Mr Hartwell and Miss Hawksworth


Grid - Download Week 3 Home Learning


English home learning pack - Download English_Y2_KW3

(Alternatively, you can access it from here on Year 2, Week 5: https://www.hamilton-trust.org.uk/blog/learning-home-packs/)


Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-2/


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